Each year in June Kyäni Partners and employees are encouraged to set aside one day to find a need in the local community and do something to serve. As a result, hundreds of projects have been organized and completed across the globe over the past several years. Dedicated Partners and Kyäni employees have done everything from feeding the homeless to visiting the elderly, to painting homes, to organizing hygiene kits. Together, we have cleaned up parks, supported school improvements, and delivered Kyäni products to people in dozens of countries. These acts of service help us give back to our communities and help demonstrate Kyäni’s commitment to making the world a better place.

Previous Caring Hands Day Activities

At Corporate Office

At Corporate Office

In Idaho Falls we collected household goods including kitchen materials, bicycles, toys, and cleaning supplies to donate to a local center that houses refugees and helps them transition to new productive lives. The Corporate Office also spent time doing work for a local humanitarian center. The humanitarian center gave all their resources to helping the less fortunate and did not have the time to take care of some of the items that would improve their facility. The Corporate Office put a new roof on the storage building that houses many of the goods they provide to the less fortunate, repainting it as well as the exterior of the main office.

In 2016 the Kyäni office served the Idaho Falls community by painting the home of a retired veteran. Other Caring Hands Days activities at the Corporate Office have also included serving lunch at the Idaho Falls food bank.

Business Partners Caring Hands Day

Business Partners Caring Hands Day

In 2017, Kyäni Business Partners in Budapest helped making the local Prevention Center for kids a better place! Driven by the Smiling Hospital Foundation, they painted and decorated the walls of the facility to relieve little patients and parents lives when forced at the Center.

Business Partners in Scandinavia showed their Caring Hands by donating to Red Cross cause in Syria and collecting children clothes, toys and equipments destinated to orphanages in the Baltics.

The medioeval town of Camerino, Italy, was devastated by the earthquake of October 2016. The Red Cross presented Kyäni Caring Hands with an award for support and the donation of over 1000€ which was raised from a group of Italian Busiess Partners during Xtreme Days.

Business Partners in Dallas, TX reported spending their Caring Hands Day, 2017 feeding more than 500 needy people in the community at the Bridge Homeless Recovery Center.

International Caring Hands Day

International Caring Hands Day

The Kyäni Germany corporate team supported the nearby Kindergarden Stadtkirche in Langen/Frankfurt for Caring Hands Day. The Kindergarten was extended with an additional playground.

Kyäni in Australia/New Zealand spend their Caring Hands Day 2017 assembling bicycles, as a part of the Bikes for Tfor donation to underprivileged children.

Kyäni Taiwan Partners and staff members held a fun and meaningful Caring Hands Day event for 47 children of Yilan Da-Li Elementary School with the Children Are Us Foundation.

The Swedish corporate team collected money and involved Business Partners by running a special Potato Pak promotion in the Scandinavian and Baltic countries.

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