Caring Hands Partners

Partnership is at the heart of everything Kyäni does. From its beginnings as the Hansen and Taylor families joined forces, Kyäni has sought out the best partnerships, including with our dedicated Business Partners. As Kyäni Caring Hands has grown and sought to expand its reach throughout the world, we have found other charitable organizations with the expertise and infrastructure to help fulfill its goal to bring hope to children in need by improving access to nutrition, sanitation, and education.

Kyäni Caring Hands Partners

Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope

In 2017 Kyäni Caring Hands entered into a partnership with Convoy of Hope, a humanitarian organization that serves the needy in a variety of ways. Convoy of Hope delivers food, water, and medical supplies to areas suffering from natural disasters as well as long-term poverty, and they have delivered hundreds of thousands of servings of Potato Pak donated by our Business Partners and Customers. With Convoy of Hope and Kyäni Caring Hands, Kyäni has been able to meet emergency needs and fight ongoing poverty around the world.

The Red Cross

The Red Cross

Kyäni Caring Hands has partnered with the Red Cross in different countries around the world to help ensure the delivery of Potato Pak where it is needed most, as well as other emergency supplies including hygiene kits. Recently Caring Hands donated 7,200 servings to the Red Cross of Hungary and donated 1000€ to the local Red Cross in Camerino as a contribution for anything needed after the devasting 2016 Italy earthquake. Previously several Kyäni Caring Hands volunteers had served in a local Red Cross center as well. The Red Cross presented Kyäni with an award for all these humanitarian efforts.



Idahoan has been creating dehydrated potato products with a stable shelf life since 1951. The innovative process preserves the natural flavor and texture. Because of Idahoan’s commitment to quality, Kyäni has chosen to partner with them to produce Potato Pak. The result is a highly nutritious and delicious meal packed in ready-to-serve pouches that can be delivered in large quantities wherever there is need throughout the world.

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