Caring Hands Service Trips

Since helping others to ‘Experience More’ has been a major part of the Founders’ core beliefs, this passion for giving back has led to Kyäni’s culture of giving and is the foundation for Kyäni Caring Hands. As Kyäni Founder Kirk Hansen states, “Kyäni Caring Hands is only part of what we do, but it’s all of who we are.” Kyäni Caring Hands dedicates time and resources to making a long-term difference for entire communities in need of help and hope. Caring Hands regularly sponsors trips where members and customers can donate their time, energies, and talents to improving lives. Caring Hands Service Trips have been held around the world, in South and Central America, Europe, and Asia, including Ecuador in 2011 and Peru in 2013-2014. Caring Hands continues to impact the lives of people in communities in need today as well as the future. Check out our most recent trips below!

Our Most Recent Caring Hands Service Trips



This was the first official European Caring Hands trip that Kyäni took part in, but Europe has been rallying behind Caring Hands and Potato Pak for years. Kyäni Founders, employees, and members met in Budapest and gathered at a local government-run homeless shelter that was once a military facility. Kyäni and the Red Cross, distributed hygiene kits prepared by Kyäni employees. While there, volunteers were also able to prepare and serve meals with Kyäni Potato Paks for those living in and visiting the shelter. During this time, elderly residents of the shelter were also given the opportunity to talk, laugh and play games with the volunteers, making it a fantastic experience for everyone involved.



Following the 2015 construction of a high school in Chiapas, two dozen Kyäni Caring Hands volunteers returned to Mexico to expand and renovate the school to support rapid attendance increases following an enthusiastic response by the community. While there they also helped renovate another school in a nearby area. The work included structural improvements, bathroom and kitchen installations, landscaping, and recreation improvements. During the project week the volunteers performed finishing work including painting and window installation. They also evaluated a new nutrition program that Kyäni started earlier this year in which children are fed Potato Pak and Sunrise every day to help them worry less about food and focus on their studies.



In August 2018 a group of Caring Hands volunteers traveled to a small village in Tanzania, where they spent several days improving educational facilities for local schoolchildren. One project involved helping a school serving 1,400 students to become more self-sustaining. There the volunteers helped with greenhouses that will provide the students with food, as well as chicken coops. In another village identified by the government as being in need, Kyäni Caring Hands has build a home where four teachers can live, solving a challenge that has kept the children from consistent education. During the project the volunteers helped finish details for the home including landscaping. They also fed Potato Pak to the local children in both villages.

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